We Are Recruiting Now!

Looking for work? Join our Fabulous Team.

If you are passionate about caring for people and you will like to work for a great team, please download an application form below or apply online. We would love to work with great people like you. Our pay-rates for Nurses and Carers are quite competitive.


Care & Nursing Homes


Dom & Live-in Care


L.D & Supported Living


Reablement Care

Join our Fabulous Team

We are Recruiting Now!

We are looking for caring and compassionate people to join our team. We recruit Nurses, Healthcare Support Workers, Healthcare Assistants, and House Keepers. Due to the growth in the Healthcare Sector, we are always recruiting. We employ people based on their experience and qualifications, but we also provide training for those that are new to Health and Social Care. We carry out DBS checks after a successful interview and we arranged trainings immediately as required.

Our Passion

Our passion is healthcare, we listen and we care. We ensure that all our service users are well looked after at all times. Through our recruitment process, we ensure we select the right staff for the job. With years of experience behind us in establishment care staffing solutions, we ensure we work closely with our clients to guarantee quality care services delivery at all times. Whether those needs be for one-off cover or innovative national projects, we will endeavour to support you to find the most cost-effective healthcare solution.

Our Recruitment Process

Our unique candidate screening and selection process are specifically designed to ensure that our healthcare professionals have the right qualifications, right to work, experience, and training to meet the needs of our service users. From NVQ certificates in Health and Social Care to BSc Nursing degrees – our team members have extensive expertise in the care sector and have all completed their annual mandatory training including Moving & Handling and Basic Life Support. Most importantly all of the staff members we appoint to care for service users demonstrate the core values and basic principles of care such as: Compassion, Dignity and Respect, Inclusiveness, Responsive care, Support, and care about the wellbeing of our service users.

We Listen & We Care

We deliver specialist care services to a wide variety of homecare service users, supported living, establishments care, and private clients throughout the UK. We provide quality care services at competitive rates with quality in mind at all times. We are committed to providing our clients and service users with qualified, experienced, and reliable carers, nurses, support workers, domestic assistants, laundry assistants, housekeeping assistants, and kitchen assistants.

We respect all our service users’ choices, religion, culture, and their dignity. We listen to our service users as well as staff members to ensure we are doing the right thing and we are meeting the needs of our service users. Feedbacks from our service users, the general public, and our staff members always help us to improve our service and we welcome regular feedback.

Join our Team

Why choose
Raystra Healthcare?

We have shifts for both Nurses and Carers, please download an application form and send it to us via post or email: info@raystrahealthcare.com. We listen to our staff and make changes where required.

Excellent Pay Rates

We understand that paying our staff good rates will ensure delivering high quality of care to our client, that’s why we offer competitive pay rates. Highly competetive rates.

Flexible Hours

Our hours are quite flexible. When you work for us, you are in control of your time. Give us your weekly availabilty every Friday of the week. We can keep you busy.

great Customer Service

We treat all our clients as individuals. Communication between us and our clients is vital to us and in our day to day activities.
We Listen & We Care…